Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Living Sensationally

So as you may know, I am in school for occupational therapy. One of my professors is Winnie Dunn who wrote the above book called Living Sensationally. Today in class we discussed four different types of sensory profiles. As she describes them, individuals can be either sensory seekers, avoiders, bystanders, or senors (or a balance of these).

After completing a form called the Sensory Profile, I have discovered that I am a sensory seeker when it comes to activity. I love to be doing things or trying new things. For example, I love changing the furniture in the house, going to new restaurants, and I like music when I'm studying. All these things describe a sensory seeker. But on the flip side, I can be a sensory avoider when it comes to certain textures of food or loud sounds. For example, I do not like apples or water chestnuts because of the grainy crunch that they have when you bite into them. I also find that I am a sensor at times. For example, I notice when someone else is tapping their fingers or if a chair is squeaky during the middle of class. I pick up on those sensory inputs, but often am not able to change them. Occasionally I am bystander. I recognize the need for sensory input, but do not make the attempt to change it.

Considering I have not read the book and I've only had one lecture from Winnie Dunn about sensory processing, I acknowledge I have a lot more to learn and the above descriptions of my sensory profile could be inaccurate. But as the time goes on, I plan to learn more and more about how sensory processing affects our everyday lives. Already I can see how differences can provide challenges in someone's life. For example, I love to listen to music when Brett and I are studying together, but he can't focus when there is music on. On the flip side, Brett finds himself strumming/tapping his fingers, but that noise distracts me from focusing. Because we often find ourselves studying at the same time we had to come up with a solution that encompasses both of our sensory processing differences. What do we do? I put headphones in and listen to music and this allows Brett the opportunity to tap away with his fingers while I get my auditory input.

Understanding sensory processing and the affects it has on everyday life truly intrigues me and I look forward to learning more about it. If you get the chance, read 'Living Sensationally' by Winnie Dunn. I'm hoping to attain a copy for myself, so if you want to borrow it, let me know!

Happy Sensing!

PS- On her blog (listed below the picture), Winnie has a link to Wordle. Try it out... here's the one for my other blog titled 'A Joyful Garden.'

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Current Readings... are just a few of the books that have been in my life lately.

First, I started reading "The Power of a Praying Wife" several months ago. I haven't finished the book, but it's one of those that I pick up from time to time to remind me about the importance of praying for my husband! I am excited to keep on my nightstand and read every now and then. I would recommend it for all wives. Even though it has stories that don't particularly pertain to me at this stage of our marriage (kids, moving, etc.), I still find it helpful and encouraging.

The Second one that came along is "So Long, Insecurity." My mother-in-law gave this to me and it has been quite the book to read. Although I was a little curious about it in the beginning, it truly has been a good read. I have enjoyed the way she speaks truth to women while encouraging us to embrace the change God has for us. She challenges us to recognize the things that makes us insecure and then trust God to fulfill us in those areas. I have really enjoyed this book.

Thirdly, a few friends of mine encouraged me to get this Prayer Book years ago, but it was actually just a recent purchase! I have enjoyed immensely since I've started using it. It has prayers from saints of old as well as more contemporary prayers. It lists three passages of scripture to read each day along with a short devotional type message. I have been encouraged by the scriptures it has lead me to and the structure it has provided to my time with Jesus. I am also enjoying the community it has rekindled between good friends!

The next two books are for school readings, but really they should be for everyday readings. I'm thankful when we are "required" to read something other than a textbook. It brings nice change to the routine of highlighting in very thick books. Instead I find myself crying when I read "Tuesdays with Morrie." For those of you who have never read it, I would highly suggest it! It is definitely on the Top 10 in my book. Wow... I don't know how I made it to 24 yrs without reading this before. It is such an easy read, with so many great lessons. And who doesn't love a book that brings smiles, laughter and tears!!

I've actually not started the book "Blood Brothers" but I'll hopefully start reading it within the next day or two. I hear it is really good and so I'm looking forward to opening the cover and diving into the story!
Besides the one book that was a gift, I have purchased all these books from either or I would highly recommended checking out those two sites when you're ready for your next book! I think I paid $.01 (one penny) for the "Blood Brothers" book ($4.00 exactly with shipping and handling). Not a bad deal, if you ask me! The others ranged from $2- $20!

I'd love to hear your thoughts on any of the above books or other books you would recommend!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Snow Days!

Snow Days! They can be a lot of fun or a lot of hastle. We've had lots of snow here in Kansas City recently. About two weeks ago we had 6-7 inches of snow. Thankfully the sun came out within the next day or two and things began to clear up. We were able to drive on the roads by the next afternoon! I even had some fun shoveling the drive way. The first few pictures are from our first snow day. Notice the clear blue skies!

Our front yard covered in snow, but the sun is out (thus the shadows of the tree branches).

Here's a picture of our house covered in snow.

The best and worst part about the snow day is that the plow truck comes along to clear our roads. I'm really thankful for them clearing our roads, but I really wish it wouldn't mean I two foot pile of snow on the edge of our drive way. Also, you can see our trash can has lots of snow on it as well. That's because our trash and recycle was never picked up for about a week (partly due to MLK day, partly due to weather).

This measurement was from the first snow day. It's about 5.5 inches in some places and deeper in other places. This was taken from on top of my car (the ruler is on top of the car, not me).

SNOW DAY #2Here was my view for most of today!

My study station for my snow day... all you need= ipod, hot tea, kleenex, three textbooks, planner, highlighter, pen, pencil, worksheets, phone, and a nice blanket to keep me warm (not pictured)!

After reading facebook comments from several friends about their snow day goodies, I was inspired to bake some for myself. A little flour, sugar, baking powder, salt, milk, oil, one egg and some chocolate chips and bananas = some sweet muffins.

I am so thankful for my Keen boots. They have be a great addition to my shoe collection, especially for this Kansas winter weather!

This measurement was taken at about 1pm on Feb. 1st. It has continued to snow ever since then and I'm sure it will continue.

A picture from through our front door! Brrr... it looks cold out there! Brett asked me to wake him up early today if the weather looked really bad. So I did. When he got up he decided to bundle up and take a walk up the road to see how bad the main roads were.

He said the main roads were fine and began to shovel the drive way so he could leave to go to work.

This is a picture of Brett trying to leave our neighborhood. He did not make it past the edge of our front yard, before he had to reverse back into our drive. As we were thinking of other solutions of how he could get to work, he suggested walking. The conversation went like this...
B: "Well I could just walk to work"
A: "Brett, you would freeze"
B: "It wouldn't be that bad"
A: "That's longer than a 5 mile walk"
B: "It would be about 7 miles"
A: "You'd be walking in blizzard conditions"

No thanks... I would not walk 7 miles through blizzard like conditions, just to get to work. Thankfully Brett didn't have to either. We found another way for him to get to work!

The following pictures were taken late in the evening on Feb. 1, 2011Before the plow truck came through our neighborhood!! (Notice it's relatively flat)

Here comes the plow truck!! Above and Below... (just different settings)

And after the plow truck came down our road! At least the roads look better, but now we have to shovel that huge pile he left.

This measurement was taken in the middle of our drive way.

Well it's dark and cold out there... so I'm gonna try to stay warm and entertained in here!!

Random Times...

Here are just a few pictures from the Winter Months that I have not had the opportunity to post yet. They are from different days/events, but I'll try to explain each one!

Early December Sometime
These two pictures are at the Harley Davidson Factory. Brett and I went on a tour because I know how much he dreams about having a motorcycle one day! We both enjoyed the tour... and I have to say, we look pretty good on the bikes!

Mid-December Sometime
This is Elliot. I babysit him and his younger brother. On this day, Elliot was out of school for Christmas Break, but his brother was still in school. We took the opportunity to go to Crown Center and enjoy the Crayola play place.

The following pictures are from our Christmas celebration at Oak Hills. One week there was a Men's Ensemble that Brett sang in. The Unity Candle at church and Brett and I in front of the Christmas backdrop!

December 22, 2010
This picture is from Brett's birthday! I made him a Coconut Cream Pie for his birthday "cake"!

January 2011
The following pictures are from my time in Texas over the New Year's Week!This picture is a group of us on New Year's Eve at a park. We had a fun time playing frisbee and soccer barefoot with the sunset as our background!

What you would think is a normal picture of friends, but in reality the picture below is more typical of our friendships.

Jay, Michael, Laura and I.

Thumbs up, all around!!

Beautiful Friends!

Even more beautiful friends!
Mandy, Jenna, Bonnie, Ashley, Me, and Laura

Once again, my friend Jenna!

While I was in Texas I visited San Antonio to see my grandmother and a good friend from JBU. No trip to SA is complete without seeing the Alamo!

While in Houston, visiting my friend Kristin, I saw this sign and just had to take a picture of it!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Endings & Beginnings.

So today marks the last day of winter break for me. Five weeks of freedom have left me refreshed. My time was filled with babysitting, traveling, resting, eating, and enjoying friends and family. I spent time in five different states with multiple friends and family from all over the country. Attending a wedding and celebrating Christmas three times were the main highlights of my trips. Friends from Barnabas and John Brown encouraged me and challenged me in my faith. Family from my side and Brett's side laughed with me and shared with me the stories of life. I am so thankful for the opportunity to have seen many who have impacted my life whether every day or just every once in a while. Even more I am so very thankful for my husband who supported me on my journey. Although he stayed behind to work, I valued every phone conversation we had! I am so thankful for the joys that were shared when we were reunited in Texas for one last weekend with our family.

Laura and I were travel buddies along with Mandy. We had lunch with dear friends Derek & Erin and Michael & Crystal.
My Bolivian friend and I unite. Okay so she's not really Bolivian, but she's been in Bolivia for a couple years now and it's always so good to see Jenna when I can!
The wedding I went to was on January 1, 2011. So of course we celebrated with fireworks on the night before- New Year's Eve!And apparently fireworks with Barnabas friends can get really crazy. It turned into throwing flaming rolls of toilet paper (above) and a roman candle war. The wedding of Sam Unruh and Hayley Stewart was absolutely beautiful! So many good friends!Mason, the ring-bearer, stole the show!

Christmas with the Haynes family is always a fun time. This is a picture of Brett's parents, siblings, and nieces/nephews! Below, Brett and I smile for our Christmas picture!

Tomorrow I start my third
semester in Occupational Therapy school. It seems we will have a busy semester. Between Brett's work schedule, my school schedule, Brett's school obligations, our church commitments and a few babysitting opportunities we will be on the go for the next few months. Throw in my brother's wedding and a week of clinicals for me. We'll be busy. I am excited about the new content to learn this semester and the practical application of that through a new service learning site and my fieldwork experience later in the semester.

Along with a new semester, I hope to rediscover, or discover for the first time, the creative passions within me. Be it by writing, painting, crafting, photo-taking, gardening, cooking, or designing... I hope to be more creative this year. Maybe this blog will see some of those attempts!

For now, welcome to An Inside Look into our life!